I have my PC connect to Ethernet and use WiFi to connect to the Quad Wifi network. Windows 10 would never auto connect even though it was set to. The registry key below resolved this. As long as I start the Quad before FSX 2020 my Quad will auto connect which is nice.
1. Run Regedit.exe
2. In HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WcmSvc\ See if the GroupPolicy subkey exists, if not with WcmSvc highlighted, right click on WcmSvc and Choose New -> Key and name it GroupPolicy
3. At this point click GroupPolicy and then in the right pane, (right-click) and choose New -> DWORD (32-bit) and create value, name it fMinimizeConnections and Click OK.
4. Reboot and the Quad should auto connect